Cancer Trials Australia (CTA)


Cancer Trials Australia (CTA) is a member based clinical trial network that provides administrative support for clinical trials for its members, starting from feasibility through to trial completion.

Since its inception in 1993, CTA has administered the start-up and management of over 1,200 oncology clinical trials, sponsored by over 230 different organizations, recruiting in excess of 7,000 patients. CTA administers oncology clinical trials that range from first-time-in-human trials to large scale Phase III trials.

Collaboration across its 25 members provides a strong opportunity for sponsors to conduct multi-site clinical trials, accruing significant patient numbers quickly, despite Australia’s relatively small population. CTA is also actively involved the areas of ongoing regulatory reform and changes across the health sector, both at a Federal and State level, with government and other peak bodies.  

For more information, visit the CTA website here